The Mars Volta – Frances The Mute single possibly reissued on vinyl on April 15, 2023

The Mars Volta – Frances The Mute single possibly reissued on vinyl on April 15, 2023

When The Mars Volta released their reissue box set La Realidad de Los Sueños in 2021, the joy was great – but then a few fans found something to complain about.

The Frances The Mute single, not available on the album back in the day and only released as a B-side to the single The Widow and on vinyl, had not been reissued.

And so it remained the most frequent question to Clouds Hill boss Johann Scherer after the release, where this single was. Scherer himself reacted latently annoyed to these questions. But: Not without reason this song can be counted as one of the best The Mars Volta songs. And while I was digging through record websites today and automatically typed in „The Mars Volta„, I found it: A hint that the single will be released after all! The Danish store lists as a pre-order with release date April 15, 2023 just this single!

It is not officially confirmed yet, but sure is a reason for hope.

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 06.01.2023Zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.01.2023168 WörterLesedauer 0,9 MinAnsichten: 1157Kategorien: NewsSchlagwörter: , , 0 Kommentare on The Mars Volta – Frances The Mute single possibly reissued on vinyl on April 15, 2023
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 06.01.2023|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.01.2023|168 Wörter|Lesedauer 0,9 Min|Ansichten: 1157|Kategorien: News|Schlagwörter: , , |0 Kommentare on The Mars Volta – Frances The Mute single possibly reissued on vinyl on April 15, 2023|

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