Maynard James Keenan: Die Aufnahmen zum neuen TOOL Album starten voraussichtlich im März 2018

Maynard James Keenan: Die Aufnahmen zum neuen TOOL Album starten voraussichtlich im März 2018

Es geht anscheinend vorwärts im Lager von Tool.

Twittermeldungen von Maynard James Keenan und Adam Jones zufolge starten nun die Aufnahmesessions zum Nachfolger von 10000 Days (2006) im März. Keenan äußert sich dahingehend, dass er jetzt schließlich nach elf Jahren die finalen Audiodateien vom Rest der Band bekommen habe und sich nun an die Arbeit machen kann um Texte und Gesangsmelodien zu entwickeln.

Adam Jones reagiert derweil erfreut auf einen Tweet von Sebastian Bach, der zusammen mit Buzz Osbourne in den Genuss einer privaten Tool Show ohne Vocals gekommen ist.

~ Huge fun & honor performing all the new tunes for Guinea pigs Sebastian & #KingBuzz b4 the recording starts in March. Still instrumentals with Mjk in town working on killer lyrics. Exciting! ————————–Repost from @sebastianbach @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost How lucky am I? Spent yesterday getting my face melted by 3/4 of TOOL at the TOOL headquarters / rehearsal Studio. My very own private Tool show just missing the vocals! This is not just your average simple rock and roll music. This is progressive metal at its most atmospheric and right when you get into a groovy trance you get beat over the head with riffs so heavy it feels like a TOOL. Some tunes were so pummelling it felt like I was getting a deep tissue massage! in fact they could call the record that. No song was shorter than 7 minutes and some were 20 minutes long! Just my idea of how to spend the perfect day! Thank you so much to my great friend Adam Jones and Justin Chancellor on bass for your hospitality! Danny Carey you are one of the most talented drummers I have ever seen in my life and such a nice fun dude! You are all inspirations to me & thank you so much for the great preview! I can only Imagine what the Majestic vocals of Maynard James Keenan would sound like on top of this music. If it’s as delicious as his wine is, then I am buying this record for sure! 🎛🔈🍷cheers guys ! It was also great to see Buzz Osbourne the guitar player for The Melvins, who I last saw backstage in Seattle (I think) when we were drinking beers with Chris Cornell decades ago. Always good to see someone still doing great so many years down the line! #Melvins #Tool #MathRock #Rehearsal #rock #survivors

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Adam Jones (@adamjones_tv) am

Bachs Urteil über die neuen Tool Songs klingt dabei durchaus vielversprechend:

This is not just your average simple rock and roll music. This is progressive metal at its most atmospheric and right when you get into a groovy trance you get beat over the head with riffs so heavy it feels like a TOOL. Some tunes were so pummelling it felt like I was getting a deep tissue massage! No song was shorter than 7 minutes and some were 20 minutes long!

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 19.02.2018Zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.02.2018549 WörterLesedauer 2,7 MinAnsichten: 1010Kategorien: NewsSchlagwörter: 0 Kommentare on Maynard James Keenan: Die Aufnahmen zum neuen TOOL Album starten voraussichtlich im März 2018
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 19.02.2018|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.02.2018|549 Wörter|Lesedauer 2,7 Min|Ansichten: 1010|Kategorien: News|Schlagwörter: |0 Kommentare on Maynard James Keenan: Die Aufnahmen zum neuen TOOL Album starten voraussichtlich im März 2018|

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Über den Autor: Jens Broxtermann

"Most of it is crap. In all forms of music. Find the little diamonds here and there in a bunch of shit. That’s how it happens. To me. And that’s how it’s always been. I never thought that there’s a golden era of any type of music. There are just as many crappy bands 30 or 40 years ago as are now." (Buzz Osbourne, (the) Melvins)

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