NO)))ISECAST #65 – The Iron Roses are screaming for a change and we are all about it!

NO)))ISECAST #65 – The Iron Roses are screaming for a change and we are all about it!

The rather fresh band around vocalist Nathan Gray, known from Boysetsfire, I Am Heresy as well as his solo project, announces a full new album and four standalone singles via Iodine Recordings and SBÄM. After their debut in 2021 and first tours in North America and Central Europe as Nathan Gray and the Iron Roses the band became just The Iron Roses

On September 14 single number 3 called Justify The Lies is released.

When we wrote Justify The Lies, we knew we wanted to pull in Reggae and hip-hop influences to provide the ambiance for a song that speaks directly to the critically systemic issues of white supremacy, especially within the ranks of law enforcement in the United States. Pairing frustration and sorrow, the song is meant to shine light upon the work that still needs to be done to both acknowledge AND eradicate these fascist underpinnings in our world. It was imperative to us that we create a video for Justify The Lies that properly respected that heavy theme. We knew we wanted to pull back on color, light, and location, so that we could let the words themselves hit as hard as they needed to. It was filmed at Audio Verite, the Richmond, VA studio where we recorded this album.

Nathan Gray and Becky Fontaine

The new self-titled album The Iron Roses is out October 20th via Iodine Recordings / SBÄM Records. The Iron Roses are on Tour in Germany in December:

  • 03.12.23 – Indra, Hamburg
  • 04.12.23 – Cassiopeia, Berlin
  • 05.12.23 – Naumanns, Leipzig
  • 06.12.23 – Z-Bau, Nürnberg
  • 07.12.23 – Backstage, München
  • 09.12.23 – Helios37, Köln
  • 10.12.23 – Schlachthof, Wiesbaden
  • 11.12.23 – Skaters Palace, Münster

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 05.11.2023Zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.11.2023273 WörterLesedauer 1,4 MinAnsichten: 1245Kategorien: NO)))ISECAST, PodcastSchlagwörter: , , , , 0 Kommentare on NO)))ISECAST #65 – The Iron Roses are screaming for a change and we are all about it!
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 05.11.2023|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.11.2023|273 Wörter|Lesedauer 1,4 Min|Ansichten: 1245|Kategorien: NO)))ISECAST, Podcast|Schlagwörter: , , , , |0 Kommentare on NO)))ISECAST #65 – The Iron Roses are screaming for a change and we are all about it!|

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Über den Autor: Sebastian Wittag

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