Roxy Music – Roxy Music (Half Speed Master) (LP) (01.04.2022)


Kategorien: Schlagwörter: SKU: 79155

Roxy Musics selbstbetiteltes Debüt und „For Your Pleasure“ werden als Half-Speed-Master-Vinyl neu aufgelegt.


Arriving seemingly perfectly formed from nowhere, Roxy Music’s self-titled debut instantly propelled the band into the affections of both the music-buying public and the serious music press – no mean feat in 1972. Frontman Bryan Ferry’s lyrical evocations of romance and glamour, pop-art references and allusions to both old Hollywood and future shock sci-fi came showcased against an eclectic and unique musical soundscape forever immortalised in the record’s 1950s-style album cover – one of the most iconic record sleeves of the 1970s. Debuting inside the UK Top 10 the album would go on to be seen one of the most pioneering and important debut albums of all time. For this 50th anniversary edition ‘Roxy Music’ has been given a fresh half-speed cut by Miles Showell at Abbey Road Studios in London. To reflect the enhanced audio, the album artwork has been similarly revised with lyrics and a deluxe gloss laminated finish. This isn’t just a record; it’s a piece of modern art.

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Veröffentlicht am: 10.02.2022Zuletzt bearbeitet: 10.02.2022163 WörterLesedauer 0,8 MinAnsichten: 752Kategorien: Schlagwörter: 0 Kommentare on Roxy Music – Roxy Music (Half Speed Master) (LP) (01.04.2022)
Veröffentlicht am: 10.02.2022|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 10.02.2022|163 Wörter|Lesedauer 0,8 Min|Ansichten: 752|Kategorien: |Schlagwörter: |0 Kommentare on Roxy Music – Roxy Music (Half Speed Master) (LP) (01.04.2022)|

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