VIDEO: Monolithe Noir – Askre
Das französische Trio Monolithe Noir bringt seine stürmischen Fieberträume im Stil von Battles/Shellac zurück in den Vordergrund, bevor das Album am 26.08.2022 veröffentlicht werden soll.
Conceived as a kind of homage to the British Australian band’s Serpent’s Egg digital medieval inclination, Askre means „chest“ in Breton. It also means conscience. The song was built on a theme played on a hurdy-gurdy I built myself during lockdown. I have been fascinated by this instrument for about two years now but never had the money to buy one. Since I like woodwork and was as interested by the technical aspect of the instrument than its sound I decided I’d gather pieces of woods, bones and metal to build one myself. I found some measurements and information here and there and took advantage of the impossibility to play shows.
Antoine Pasqualini
Askre wurde auf einem Thema aufgebaut, das auf einer Drehleier gespielt wurde.
Titelbild: Monolithe Noir | (c) Monolithe Noir
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