Songpremiere: Takaakira „Taka“ Goto – Delicate Madness
Takaakira „Taka“ Goto, besser bekannt als der Lead Gitarrist und Songwriter der japanischen Post-rock Band MONO bringt sein Solo Debüt via Pelagic Records raus. „Classical Punk and Echoes Under the Beauty“ wurde schon 2003 aufgenommen aber bisher nicht veröffentlicht.
Taaakira dazu:
„I wasn’t actually thinking about sharing this album with anyone at the time. It didn’t sound like MONO, so I left it as a trail to my envisioned world, as my personal collection“.
Inspiriert wurde Takaakira durch Lars von Trier und im speziellem durch seinen Film „Breaking the Waves“ von 1996.
„That film took my heart away“, says Taka. „He focused on death in order to show the beauty of life, and I instantly felt like I wanted to express that with my music. I wanted to focus on a woman as a theme as well, like Lars does with his films. And in order to express the courage, insanity, sensuality, sadness, kindness and emptiness in the relationships between women and men, I could only hear the sounds with classical instruments like violins, violas and cellos in my head.“
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