SONG: Notelle – Ex-Lover

SONG: Notelle – Ex-Lover

Notelle ist eine in Nashville ansässige Songwriterin/Produzentin, die seit 2014 mit Produzenten und DJs zusammenarbeitet.

Ihre Songs haben mehr als 36 Millionen Streams erreicht, mit Beiträgen von EDM-Größen wie Adventure Club, Zack Martino und MitiS, um nur einige zu nennen.

Dieser neue Track ist die erste Single aus ihrer Debüt-EP Nyctophiliac, die am 13. Mai 2022 erscheint:

I am a firm believer in love – a deep healthy kind of love, at that. However, I’d be a liar if I didn’t waver in that belief from time to time. It’s a complicated and very powerful thing, so how are we supposed to know what love looks like and how it’s supposed to feel? Movies, books, the way our parents interact – all of that shapes and distorts and colors our relationships with romance and how we view our relationships with each other. This song is about the jaded bitterness that I’ve felt, and sometimes still feel, about love. Sometimes it seems like there is no ‚perfect match’ – that perhaps we’re all just physically connecting and disconnecting with no deeper purpose or meaning. You meet someone, you fall in, you fall out, you start again. It’s a bit depressing. It’s a bit nihilistic, but I’ve had several conversations with peers that have had the same hang-ups, so I know I can’t be the only one. I wanted this song to be honest, because I’m tired of being lied to about it. I want to know what it’s actually like, because I don’t think this ‚fairy tale‘ mentality is the only path to healthy love. It feels contrived and impossible to find. I want to hear about the doubts people are having. I want to know if their ‘perfect‘ relationship has left them reeling before. Having doubts and having love don’t need to be mutually exclusive, but then again, I just wrote a song like this one, so what do I know.

Titelbild: Notelle | (c) Derrick Lipschitz

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 08.04.2022Zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.04.2022331 WörterLesedauer 1,7 MinAnsichten: 553Kategorien: News, StreamsSchlagwörter: 0 Kommentare on SONG: Notelle – Ex-Lover
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 08.04.2022|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.04.2022|331 Wörter|Lesedauer 1,7 Min|Ansichten: 553|Kategorien: News, Streams|Schlagwörter: |0 Kommentare on SONG: Notelle – Ex-Lover|

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Über den Autor: Marc Michael Mays

Hallo. Ich habe 2012 Pretty in Noise gegründet, bin 41 Jahre jung. Mein Beruf ist Textildrucker und Musikredakteur.

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