PiN the Mix #6 – The 24 hours Songday, a SEA + AIR Mixtape

PiN the Mix #6 – The 24 hours Songday, a SEA + AIR Mixtape

Unsere Mixtape-Serie PiN the Mix geht in die sechste Runde. Diesmal hat uns Daniel Benjamin von SEA + AIR mit einem 24 Song umfassenden Mix beglückt, wobei jeder Song für eine bestimmte volle Stunde steht. Aber hört und seht selbst was Daniel zu sagen hat.


This is Daniel from SEA + AIR for PiN the Mix. We compiled 24 of our all time favourites, one for each hour of an imaginary Sunday. All of these songs are slowburners so if you really wanna dig for diamonds here please listen over and over.

Please read the comment sheet for more thoughts on these songs!

midnight: U2 – The Unforgettable Fire // walking downtown. too early to go to sleep.

1 o‘ clock: SERENA-MANEESH – Ayisha Abyss // dreaming with eyes open on the bus ride home

2 o‘ clock: SCOTT WALKER – If You Go Away // at home leaving the lights out and enjoying missing your friends

3 o‘ clock: THE VERVE – Star Sail // what is more inspiring than a late night shower?

4 o‘ clock: JARS OF CLAY – Frail // trying to follow the story of a nice book

5 o‘ clock: RED HOUSE PAINTERS – Drop // finally asleep, peaceful and relaxed

6 o‘ clock: DANIEL AMOS – Shadow Catcher // and then the first nightmare, shocking and entertaining

7 o‘ clock: MANSUN – Cancer // the second dream phase, too confusing to remember in the morning

8 o’clock: TALK TALK – Happiness Is Easy // the first sounds from an awaking neighbourhood

9 o‘ clock: CAN – One More Night // what a night

10 o‘ clock: CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN – Opi Rides Again-Club Med Sucks // so glad it‘ s not monday morning

11 o‘ clock: KATE BUSH – Cloudbusting // breakfast!

12 o‘ clock: JOURNEY – Ask The Lonely // a whole day to change the world

1 o‘ clock: MIDNIGHT OIL – I Don‘ t Wanna Be The One… // …who wastes the whole day

2 o‘ clock: MANOS CHATZIDAKIS – Αγάπη Μέσα Στην Καρδιά // preparing Greek mezedes for a picnic with friends

3 o‘ clock: EXTOL – Ember // the kitchen is a mess

4 o‘ clock: THE 77’S – Self-Made Trap // riding the bike down to the river

5 o‘ clock: BECK – Sexx Laws // food, river and friends

6 o‘ clock: SOUL-JUNK – Ill-m-I // swimming, more food and more friends

7 o‘ clock: NICK DRAKE – River Man // a nap in the grass

8 o‘ clock: DJ SHADOW – Mongrel…Meets His Maker // another beautiful sunset

9 o‘ clock: MY BLOODY VALENTINE – Only Shallow // pushing the bike back home

10 o‘ clock: SAVIOUR MACHINE – Carnival Of Souls // a fading weekend wakes the goth in everyone

11 o‘ clock: SIXPENCE NONE THE RICHER – A Million Parachutes // good night!

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 13.08.2013Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2019431 WörterLesedauer 2,2 MinAnsichten: 1286Kategorien: AllgemeinSchlagwörter: , , 0 Kommentare on PiN the Mix #6 – The 24 hours Songday, a SEA + AIR Mixtape
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 13.08.2013|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2019|431 Wörter|Lesedauer 2,2 Min|Ansichten: 1286|Kategorien: Allgemein|Schlagwörter: , , |0 Kommentare on PiN the Mix #6 – The 24 hours Songday, a SEA + AIR Mixtape|

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Über den Autor: Marc Michael Mays

Hallo. Ich habe 2012 Pretty in Noise gegründet, bin 41 Jahre jung. Mein Beruf ist Textildrucker und Musikredakteur.

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