Palms – Chino Moreno und ex ISIS Mitglieder mit neuer Band

Palms – Chino Moreno und ex ISIS Mitglieder mit neuer Band

Palms sind Jeff Caxide, Aaron Harris, Clifford Meyer und Chino Moreno. Das selbstbetitelte Debut erscheint am 25.06. via Ipecac Recordings. Den zweiten der sechs Songs kann man hier bereits im Stream hören.

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1. Future Warrior
2. Patagonia
3. Mission Sunset
4. Shortwave Radio
5. Tropics
6. Antarctic Handshake

Palms came together following the demise of ISIS, with Jeff Caxide (bass), Aaron Harris, (drums) and Clifford Meyer (keyboards/guitar) electing to continue playing music together. “After a little time Jeff, Cliff, and I decided that it was insane that we all still lived here in Los Angeles and weren’t playing together,” Harris says. “It just sort of happened naturally, probably because we have been playing together for so long, and things started to come together. But we didn’t want to be instrumental: We wanted vocals. We just weren’t exactly sure who that would be at first.” The band, knowing that Chino Moreno (Deftones) had been a fan of ISIS, thought he would be a great fit and he agreed. “A chance to work with the guys from ISIS sounded like a lot of fun,” Moreno says, “I’ve always been into the atmospheric sounds they had created with that project and felt my sense of melody would meld well with theirs.“

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 28.05.2013Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2019204 WörterLesedauer 1 MinAnsichten: 1275Kategorien: AllgemeinSchlagwörter: , , , , , , , 0 Kommentare on Palms – Chino Moreno und ex ISIS Mitglieder mit neuer Band
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 28.05.2013|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2019|204 Wörter|Lesedauer 1 Min|Ansichten: 1275|Kategorien: Allgemein|Schlagwörter: , , , , , , , |0 Kommentare on Palms – Chino Moreno und ex ISIS Mitglieder mit neuer Band|

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Über den Autor: Marc Michael Mays

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